About Swazi Solar Projects
We Provide Affordable Solar Power Systems
Swazi Solar Projects is a Cape Town, South African based installer of solar power systems. Our systems are build with your budget in mind. Dedicated to alternative energy solutions for residential and commercial properties.
These solutions offer customers reliable relief from constantly climbing electricity tariffs. With consistent, uninterrupted power supply, Swazi Solar Projects customers are unaffected by national load-shedding. Our team of specialists deliver ongoing support, ensuring customers’ systems are perfectly maintained through service agreements.
We have an endless source of solar power in South Africa. As one of the most abundantly available, renewable energy resources, solar power has gained significant ground in the energy sector in recent years.
Solar energy can be utilised in a variety of applications, for household, as well as commercial and industrial use. Through solar technology, sunlight energy is converted into electricity which is stored in solar batteries, making it available on demand.
On a sunny day in South Africa, solar radiation can be up to 1000 watts of power per square meter. This powerful energy can be captured by solar power systems which typically consist of solar panels, inverters, panel-mounting and performance monitoring equipment, as well as solar batteries.